EggDonorIVF in partnership with Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut has been working with egg donors for over a decade. During this time we have answered many questions about the egg donation experience. Below are some of the most commonly asked questions. The doctors and nurses can answer these questions more fully if you want to speak with someone. Feel free to contact us!

1. Does this affect my future fertility?

There is no clinical data that suggests this process will affect your future fertility or your ability to have children of your own.

At the start of puberty, each woman has approximately 400,000 - 500,000 eggs, which is more than they will need during their reproductive years to successfully have children. Please ask your doctor and/or nurse if you have any specific concerns.


2. What is the compensation?

Once you are accepted into the donor program, you will have the option to receive $500 upon acceptance and then an additional $7,500 after your cycle is completed. Your total compensation will be $8,000. As an egg donor at EggDonorIVF, you will also receive a free physical exam, chromosome analysis, and genetic testing.

Egg donors can choose to be either known or anonymous and each donor can cycle up to six times in a lifetime.



3. What are the side effects?

Many donors experience no side effects. For those that do, the main side effect is bloating, which resolves itself over the next month. Side effects are minimized with proper medical care and monitoring.


4. What does the screening entail?

There are 4 phases of the screening process, two of which are online questionnaires and the final 2 phase takes place at our Norwalk office.


The first questionnaire (or prescreen questionnaire) addresses the basic criteria for being an egg donor. You must be between the ages of 21 and 30 and meet certain health criteria, have a healthy lifestyle, be a non-smoker, be a high school graduate (college preferred) and have shown success in your chosen career field.


The second questionnaire (or full questionnaire) is more in depth. It asks for extended family history and your medical history. There are also some questions that give a sense of who you are as an individual by asking for short answers about your talents, future goals, and your family.


 If these first two questionnaires indicate that you may be an eligible egg donor, you will come to the Norwalk office for a two-hour appointment. During this visit, you will meet the RMACT Third Party Reproduction Team, who will guide you through:

      • A personality assessment test (no preparation necessary)
      • Blood work
      • A consult with one of our licensed social workers


To complete the donor eligibility process you will come back to our Norwalk office for a final consult. This will include:

      •  More blood work
      • A medical consult with one of our licensed reproductive endocrinologists
      • A consult with our geneticist

The purpose of these meetings is to ensure that all egg donors are fully informed and willing to participate in our program, as well as to ensure that each egg donor is medically and emotionally a good candidate.

EggDonorIVF follows guidelines from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The screening is highly selective because EggDonorIVF has a responsibility to both the donors and the recipients.


5. How do you get the eggs? Does it hurt?

Every month, eggs in a woman’s ovary mature inside fluid-filled cysts called follicles. To remove the eggs, one of our five Board Certified reproductive endocrinologists will use a vaginal ultrasound to guide an extraction needle, which is only slightly larger in diameter than the needle used to draw blood from your arm. The actual egg collection process takes approximately 30-45 minutes (depending upon the number of follicles) and is performed in the operating room at our Norwalk office.

Egg donors are under anesthesia during this procedure, so they do not feel pain. This procedure is performed vaginally, so there is not an incision; however, patients are commonly groggy when they wake and will need someone else to drive them home.


6. What is the time commitment?

Once chosen for a cycle, you would need to commit to two weeks where you will be on medication and the EggDonorIVF Team will monitor you closely. Please note: it could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to get matched with a recipient.


7. How will the medicine affect me?

The main risk is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, which is a reaction the body can have to elevated hormone levels. It is usually mild and symptoms can be managed by our physicians.